Pay by check

You are about to purchase Xspouse 2024-1.2

Note: The purchase price of an Xspouse license is based on the number of users who will use Xspouse. "Users" refers to "separate individuals", not "concurrent users". For example, if 10 people at your law firm will use Xspouse at various times, you need a 10-user license, even if only one person will use Xspouse at a time.

Please make a check payable to "Tolapa Inc" for the above amount and mail to:

600 Professional Center Dr, Suite 624
Novato, CA 94947

We will email you instructions on how to download Xspouse.

In order to do this, you must provide all of the following information. We will not be able to process your order if any of the information is missing - including the email address.

You must also provide your personaliztion information. This is two lines of text that will appear in the footer of all your printed reports. Typically, this will be the name of your law office; for example, "Law Offices of " and "A. Lawyer, Esq.".

Finally, you should let us know the spousal support guideline that you would like as your default. This may be any one of: